1. Guest Blog: Observations of a Novel Weekend

    Guest Blog: Observations of a Novel Weekend

    By Declan Bogue


    WELL, that was fun, wasn't it?


    On Saturday afternoon as Fermanagh played Armagh, a thousand middle-aged men in were left wailing at the complications of technology as they begged their children to teach them all about the mysterious Goddess that is the BBC iPlayer.


    When they eventually got plugged in and zoned out, what met them was one of the most atypical Ulster Championship matches. Fermanagh played to a rigid system that yielded the right result, aided by; 1) Armagh selector Paddy McKeever earning a red card for a

  2. Guest Blog: Expect the ground to shake with Enda McEvoy

    Guest Blog: Expect the ground to shake with Enda McEvoy

     By Enda McEvoy


    Limerick pulling off the summer’s first surprise, if surprise it was, at the Gaelic Grounds. Michael Ryan, that most gregarious of men, refusing to talk to the media afterwards before having the sense to change mind and tack the following day. Cork finishing the better to see off a wasteful

  3. Play it Again in Ulster

    Play it Again in Ulster

    This weekend we see both Ulster Football Championship semi final replays. They will be observed by afar from many with a degree of disdain. Ulster football. Ulster football to the uninitiated is considered a sort of faction fight with an O’Neills football thrown in for good measure.

    But for the diehard Ulster football aficionado, a good tight match in Ulster is the highlight of early summer. And don’t be surprised this weekend if both matches attract a decent crowd, as all four counties, Tyrone, Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal approach the games optimistically. The two Ulster semi finals have been the best games this summer so far.

    In 2014 Dublin GAA and Kerry GAA

  4. The Club Jersey

    The Club Jersey

    The Club Jersey, Croke Park and the Club Finals

    The Club Jersey

    The Club jersey. You’ve known it and worn it for as long as you can remember. Club legends that went before you. Your dad. Uncles, maybe a brother. And now it’s your turn. In Croke Park. Something special. The jersey. The badge. The band of brothers. The banter and the craic. The Club. And Croke Park. Think of the lads that will come after too. The legacy you leave behind. What it all means. What’s in Jersey? The passion. Pride. The history.

    That’s the way it is for eight panels of club players this week. On Saturday and Sunday the footballers and hurlers of eight intermediate and junior clubs get to do their thing in Croke Park. As the sponsors the AIB would have you believe, it is #TheToughest. A winter’s preparation and hard word boils down to one afternoon in Croke Park.

  5. Hurling in The United States

    Hurling in The United States

    It always seemed that gaelic football was the more likely of the gaelic games to become widely played worldwide, however in recent years hurling has gained a foothold in the United States, increasingly common among non Irish communities, where players are attracted by the skill and physicality of a game that they say has it all.

    Hurling has featured in North America since reports in the late 1700s reported matches between rival Irish immigrants, with the occasional row breaking out among players and partisans!

    At the start of the twentieth century there were about a dozen American hurling clubs. Indeed in 1910 a group of American hurlers toured Ireland and in the 1930s teams from the States played in the Tailteann Games.

    Hurling is now spreading beyond the Irish communities in the United States with some success. More and more unfamiliar, yet distinctively Irish hurling and gaelic football jerseys are appearing on the O’Neills website. There is a thriving interest

  6. Gaelic Games in Australia and New Zealand

    Gaelic Games in Australia and New Zealand

    Over recent years there has been a steady stream of GAA players heading to Australia for work or extended holidays. Gaelic Games in Australia and in New Zealand have probably never been stronger.  We take a look at some recent developments.

    In March 2015 O’Neills opened its first Australian office headed up by Antoinette Brophy from Kildare, who moved Down Under to take on this role. Speaking at the time Antoinette told us: “There is some O’Neills brand awareness due to the fact that most of the Australian Gaelic football players have become

  7. O’Neills Gaelic Football. The Choice of Champions

    O’Neills Gaelic Football. The Choice of Champions

    Gaelic football. Played worldwide. The O’Neills All Ireland Gaelic football. Kicked around the world where Gaelic is played. The two are virtually interchangeable.

    For GAA clubs setting up overseas, one of the first things they send home for is an authentic O’Neills All Ireland football.  It just isn’t a Gaelic football match if you’re not using an O’Neills ball. It’s that simple.

    Over time the O’Neills Gaelic football has become synonymous with our Gaelic games, the GAA, football and the Sunday Game. In the last twelve months alone hundreds of the O’Neills All Ireland balls have been shipped to teams worldwide. The O’Neills ball is kicked from San Francisco to New York, from Stockholm to Seville, from Amsterdam to Abu Dhabi and from Penang to Perth.


  8. Women’s GPA – Making A Difference

    Women’s GPA – Making A Difference

    Anyone who’s ever been involved in a coaching or playing capacity with an intercounty Camogie team or Ladies Gaelic Football team will know that they work every bit as hard as their male counterparts. The difference? They get a fraction of the recognition, little of the reward and minimal media coverage. It’s the 21st Century now, and its time things changed.

    For years players involved in Camogie or football maybe just accepted the way it was. But it became quickly apparent when they trained alongside their male equivalents, when they compared notes with their brothers or clubmates, or when they lifted a newspaper that the innovations coming thick and fast to the men’s game weren’t coming their way at all.

    Treating Athletes the Same

    For some county players simple innovations like a hot shower, food or physio after training were a foreign country. If that was the state of things for county players, imagine the situation at club level. Unreconstructed

  9. O’Neills Sportswear Partners with FECOFA

    O’Neills Sportswear Partners with FECOFA



    O’Neills Sportswear Partners with FECOFA

    O’Neills Sportswear are pleased to announce the partnership with the Fédération Congolaise de Football-Association.

    FECOFA is the governing body of football in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    DR Congo introduced the unique designed jerseys and kits, supplied by O’Neills, for the first time in January 2015 in the African Cup of Nations.

    You can now purchase the jersey here

  10. Up With The Helmet!

    Up With The Helmet!

    Soon there will be a generation of hurlers and camogs going through their careers that won’t remember the bare headed player. Hard to believe but it's true.

    In both games of course up until relatively recent times, helmets were unknown. Players regularly got split open playing the game which added to its allure for men and women alike.

    It wasn’t until 1967 when the helmet made its debut. A lad by the name of Micheal Murphy came on as a second half sub for UCC in a Cork County Final wearing a motorcycle helmet prompting a few raised eyebrows amongst the 12,500 souls watching the game. Murphy had sustained a fractured skull and, wanting to play in the match, had the ingenious idea to wear a helmet for protection. Nothing wrong with that we can say through the mists of time.

    At the second time of asking in 1968 UCC’s motion to the Cork County Convention led to the matter being considered at the National Congress. From then onwards, players’ headgear